Friday, September 9, 2011

Preserve your Herbs!

photo credit: CK Worley

Here is a great way to preserve all those wonderful herbs that you’ve grown all year. We will concentrate on basil but you can do this with any savory herb you have plenty of. Julianne strip your basil once it’s been washed and dried. Grate some really good Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Now take an air tight container and alternate using the cheese first followed by the basil creating layers. The cheese will keep the basil dry and fresh and the basil will flavor the cheese. Perfect for sauce, pizza, bread or pesto.

photo credit: CK Worley

Another way to keep fresh herbs for winter is to puree your basil with a little water. Fill your ice cube trays with the mixture. You may want to store these cubes of basil in a freezer bag once they are good and solid. This will keep them fresh and free from freezer burn. Next time you have a soup or sauce that you’d love to have fresh basil added to; you can just drop in a basil cube or two. Make sure you collect all the herbs that are left outside before the cold air takes them so you can enjoy the fresh taste of summer all year long!

photo credit: CK Worley

I added baby basil leaves to the top of the cubes just because it looked pretty; :) You can freeze just the leaves on a cookie sheet but they will darken in color. After they are frozen you can put them into a freezer bag and use them as you need them.

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