Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Store-bought bug sprays- (most of them) contain a chemical known as DEET which has been shown to cause a lot of health problems, from skin irritations to allergies, and even nervous system interference. Here is a beautiful and healthy alternative.

photo credit: CK Worley

When combined together, essential oils and citrus fruits make a very effective mosquito repellent. Here’s what you will need:
2 mason jars   (here I used 16 ounce Mason Jars)
20 drops of *doTERRA TerraShield (each)
One lemon, sliced
One lime, sliced
4 rosemary sprigs
Floating disc candles

*You can purchase doTERRA TerraShield here:

Preparation: Add even amounts of lemon and lime slices to each jar and then put 2 sprigs of rosemary into each jar. Next, fill the jar with ¾ water and add 20 drops of Terra Shield essential oil to each specific jar (do not mix). 

photo credit: CK Worley

To activate them, just light a candle. 

These bug-repelling jars make a great addition to backyards, porches, campfires, and other outdoor areas where you spend your summer nights.

                  You can put the top back on the jar and carry them anywhere.
photo credit: CK Worley

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