Sunday, October 2, 2011

Home Security Plants

Here are some home security plants that are great for keeping people and other critters out. First is the Pyracantha.

photo credit: CK Worley

It’s an evergreen that blooms in the spring and produces orange berries in the fall. Great place for nesting birds. The berries are not poisonous and so some people make them into jelly but I say, better leave the berries to the birds. They get really tall and wide so they also make a great privacy fence. Here is a photo I took while on a walk this morning of a row of Pyracantha.

photo credit: CK Worley

The other is a Holly. Same thorny security features with glossy leaves and berries that are red instead of orange. Plus, you are supposed to prune Holly plants in December which allows you to use the trimmings for Holiday decorations! So if you have a fence you’d like to secure or just have a property line you’d like to enhance, these are some options for you!

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